Chapter 215 - Boiled Frogs

These soldiers were all dressed differently. The one in front was still wearing the Song Army's uniform, and the one behind was an ordinary civilian's uniform!

However, without exception, they were all youths around the age of twenty!

All kinds of weapons were in their hands. The ones in front were still holding swords and sabers, while the ones behind were still holding wooden sticks!

But even so, they still carried a military aura that could not be concealed! This showed that they were indeed soldiers and had undergone military training!

"This is bad!" The enemy is coming! "What should we do?"

"Quickly run!" I can't run backwards, I can't run towards the south, I can only run towards the north! "

"All of you, hurry up and leave!"

The soldiers of the Zhang Jia Jun were thrown into chaos, they did not have any intention to fight at all, they only wanted to escape!

Naturally, the ones in front of them were the warriors of the Production and Construction Corps!

At this moment, over a hundred thousand Production and Construction Corps warriors were pressing down on them, they were getting closer and closer to Zhang Jia Jun!

"Surrender and don't kill!"

Such a sound suddenly appeared on the battlefield! The Production and Construction Corps soldiers at the front started shouting, and the Production and Construction Corps soldiers behind also started shouting!

Slowly, the sounds of "surrender without killing" became louder and louder. Hundreds of thousands of people surrounded the sixty thousand Zhang Jia Jun and almost everyone was shouting the words "surrender without killing"!

Some wanted to escape, but there were even more people who were quickly kneeling down. They threw the weapons in their hands onto the ground and raised their hands high up in the air!

"Mercy!" We surrender! "

"Spare us!"

"We're all Chinese, why kill each other?"

The sound of surrender could be heard everywhere in the Zhang Jia Jun! The soldiers were not the only ones who had surrendered. The high-ranking officers were also kneeling down to show their surrender!

However, there were still people running away. However, these fleeing Zhang Jia Jun soldiers were running out of energy and stamina, and their running speed was also very slow!

Not long after they had escaped, Kang An had led five thousand Managed s to charge over from the north. After Kang An killed them, the fleeing Zhang Jia Jun soldiers were thrown into chaos, and many of them couldn't help but kneel down, unwilling to fight anymore!

In less than two hours, the battlefield had quietened down. Over sixty thousand people knelt in the snow with terrified expressions. They did not know what kind of fate was awaiting them!

"As expected of the subordinates of the Conan's traitor, they can't even withstand a single blow! Put away all their weapons! Even our Production and Construction Corps does not have that many weapons, so we have truly reaped a great harvest this time! " A young Production and Construction Corps leader exclaimed in joy.

The Production and Construction Corps soldiers at the side were also exceptionally happy. They entered into the group of surrendered Zhang Jia Jun soldiers and kept their weapons!

The soldiers of Zhang Jia Jun were holding their hands up high. They were very tired and wanted to put them down, but they didn't have the guts right now!

"What about the prisoners?" A young man said.

"His Majesty is right in front of us. His Majesty will definitely make a decision!" Another youth said.

When he said the two words "Your Majesty", this youth's eyes revealed an incomparable pious gaze. The other youths beside him also revealed pious gazes!

At this very moment, Zhao Chen, Wang Shu, and Yu Yunwen were standing on a small mountain in front of them.

"We have won this battle!" Zhao Chen said.

"If we do not have His Majesty leading the Managed into the rebel camp, it would be hard for us to win!" Wang Shu said.

"While it's true that I won this battle because I led the Managed to attack the bandit camp, it's also related to Wu Yu's beloved daughter's strategy! The Zhang Jia Jun was originally the most elite group of traitors, but all along the way, they were constantly ambushed and harassed. Their bodies and spirits were getting more exhausted, and their morale was getting lower and lower! This was like boiling a frog in warm water! When we arrive at Wu Gong County City, seeing the countless military camps ahead and the countless flags on the mountain, the Zhang Jia Jun's morale will drop to the freezing point. By then, they will no longer have the determination to fight against us! We just sent people to shout 'Surrender Not Kill' for a while and then they all kneeled down and surrendered! Wu Yu, your beloved daughter's plan is really marvelous! " Zhao Chen laughed.

In his heart, he was indeed very impressed with Yu Yunwen! This Yu Yunwen was only seventeen years old, but his intelligence was outstanding, far surpassing the other ministers in the court!

Zhang Jun was also one of the four generals of ZTE in history. Although his character was average, and he persecuted Yue Fei in the end, Zhang Jun did have his own way of using troops! Unfortunately, in front of Yu Yunwen, Zhang Jun was not even able to withstand a single blow! The so called mountain was even higher than the mountain. Zhang Jun was a level lower than Yu Yunwen! In Yu Yunwen's history, there was indeed a side of him that was worthy of praise by Mao Zedong for being able to defeat hundreds of thousands of Jin Army with only ten thousand people. Whether it was the ambush or the false bravado from behind, they were all insignificant. But together, they completely annihilated the Zhang Jia Jun!

"This humble subject does not dare accept the honor!" Yu Yunwen was ecstatic, but he still maintained his modesty.

At that moment, a guard ran over and asked, "Your Majesty, what do we do with the captives?"

Zhao Chen thought for a while, then said: "Let them enter the Wu Gong County first! Let them sleep at least for a while! No one could stand staying awake for days and nights! When they woke up, he would give them some food. However, he did not want them to eat until they were full in order to avoid any sudden changes! Wait until spring comes, let them join the Production and Construction Corps! They are also able-bodied men with labour! "

The guard hastily went to carry out Zhao Chen's orders. Wang Shu, in disbelief, asked: "Your Majesty, you want them to join the Production and Construction Corps as well?"

Zhao Chen said: "Otherwise, what should we do?"

Wang Shu said: "We should tattoo on their faces and make them into criminals and slaves! Let them be enslaved for life! "

Zhao Chen shook his head: "No need! They're Chinese, too, and we don't have to do this to them! Also, you need to control the Advocacy Division. You need to do a good job in educating these captives! "

Wang Shu nodded, and said: "Your Majesty, do not worry, I will make them loyal and devoted to you!"

Wang Shu's way of thinking and education were all based on "individual worship", in his opinion, this was a very simple matter, he believed that wherever his Advocacy Division went, the captives would change in the shortest amount of time, and they would be loyal to Zhao Chen!

"Although we won this time, the people we killed were all Chinese. There is nothing to be proud of!" Zhao Chen looked into the distance and sighed softly.

"That's right, we are all Chinese!" Yu Yunwen also sighed.

"Thirty thousand miles in the battlefield, five thousand soldiers!" Barely a breath of blood was left in the iron fortress! The dark clouds were snowing and the cold days were devoid of crystals! It was all because of kindness, who would have thought that it would be love! These poems of the Han and Tang Dynasties are all about the Frontier Battle, but we are going to war in our own country! This Guan Shan is originally within our borders, and Hebei, Hedong, Shandong and other lands belong to the Central Plains. But now, this place has become a place for the foreign clansmen to gallop about in, and our clansmen are still killing each other here! I hope that one day our army will fight in the border, not in our own country! I hope that I can see this day as soon as possible! " Zhao Chen said with a slightly gloomy expression.

No matter how great the victory this time, no matter how many enemies were eliminated, it would still be a civil war! It was meaningless, it was just the consumption of their own people's strength! This time, only the battle between Yue Fei and the true female could be considered as a huge blow to the outer clans!

"Is Yue Fei coming back soon?" After a while, Zhao Chen said.

"General Yue has already returned to Fu Ping. When he found out that Wu Gong County was in danger, he led his Imperial Guards and started moving towards Fu Ping with all his might. He should be here within two days! " Yu Yunwen said.

"Good!" "When he returns, we'll have to discuss the mistakes in this war!" Zhao Chen said.

"Do we have any mistakes in the war?" Wang Shu said in disbelief.

"Of course, there are still mistakes!" We didn't get any information from the alliance between the Conan's traitor and the Female Genuine! Or maybe we noticed something different, but no one analyzed it! We lack a unified command structure, so we cannot use the Imperial Guards, the Jingyuan Army, or the various ministries to let them work together! We have to think of a way to solve all of these! " Zhao Chen said.

"This …" Wang Shu was startled, and nodded his head!

At dusk on the 20th day of the first month, an army appeared from the northeast!

This troop was extremely exhausted, but their soldiers were all trying their best to run forward!

They were the strongest Imperial Guards under Zhao Chen!

The moment they received the news that the Emperor Kang had advanced westward, all of them had already returned south! Until now, they had not rested for six days and six nights! But unlike the Zhang Jia Jun, none of them complained, and none of them stopped! Even now, they were still trying their best to move forward! Many people could no longer move. They fell to the ground, but they still did their best to get up and continue moving towards the south!

In their hearts, the safety of the Emperor surpassed the safety of their lives! When they found out that the Emperor was currently in danger, their hearts burned with anxiety and they wished that they could fly back to the Wu Gong County!

Yue Fei was also burning with anxiety. He rode on his horse and led his cavalry forward!

As they were walking, a group of soldiers appeared in front of them! These soldiers were patrolling Production and Construction Corps soldiers!

"Who are you people?" A soldier had already walked over and looked at Yue Fei and the rest in fear.

"I am Yue Fei!" Yue Fei said.

"What?" You are General Yue Fei, the leader of the Imperial Guards? " The soldier said.

"That's right!" Yue Fei said.

"We are the soldiers of the Production and Construction Corps!" The soldier said.

"Your Majesty, all is well! We have just heavily defeated the Zhang Jia Jun s, and all of them have surrendered! " The soldier said.

"Are you saying that His Majesty is well? "Really?" Yue Fei asked excitedly.

"His Majesty is waiting for the general in Wu Gong County! He said that if the general comes, we must immediately go and find him! " The soldier said.

"Good, good, good! I'll go now, I'll go now! " Yue Fei said excitedly.

He spurred his horse forward, and the cavalrymen behind him hurried to keep up with him!

The distance to Wu Gong County was getting closer and closer, until they could see the Wu Gong County City!

Yue Fei was extremely excited, his horse's galloping speed was extremely fast, but he was still not satisfied, he suddenly dismounted from the horse, and his body turned into a white line as he rushed towards Wu Gong County!

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